Healthy Emotional Regulation
There was a moment, I felt something off. My body told me to take a deep rest I didn’t know why.Unstoppable thoughts kept coming, something held me back to doing anything. I ask inner guide “Is this ascension symptom or grounding period?”“No, it’s not. Just relax, and you’ll realize that you are the answer itself.”I surrender and allow the answer unfold itself when it’s ready. Suddenly, my mind reminded me one of Buddha‘s quote : “Three things cannot be long hidden:the sun, the moon, and the truth.” It drove me to fathom the meaning behind it.I felt it could guide me to what I was experiencing at that moment.I googled it but nothing…
20 Movies that will Transcend Your Consciousness
LUCYLucy is about self-transcendence that happened accidentally to her so she can feel everything. She experienced what’s beyond 5 senses that she’ve never experienced before. This movie gives us a visual about how we transcend beyond time and space, tap into super consciousness, a state beyond time and space. And when you see the percentage of Lucy that become one with high intelligence and she become nowhere, it represents from the separation paradigm into oneness. TRANSCENDENCEIn transcendence movie we can learn that even through we already die, the memory of our mind is still a living memory. This movie shows that transcendence is about the evolution of us and we…