This state is about raising your vibration, to rise, reborn, welcoming breakthrough of what you really are by releasing what no longer serving you be selective about energy you interact and pay attention to. Where focus goes, energy flows. You start realizing the important of stay true to your authenticity, boundaries, self care, and self love. You already realize that love is your natural state, longing, and feel called to back to your natural state.
The deeper you dive inward, the more you expand your consciousness. You realize that reality is self-projection of what you have inside, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to cleanse your mind with aligned resources by focusing your attention to embodiment you wishes to be. You start honoring your energy for love and evolution through conscious choice. All inner work you do on yourself is your inner devotion. You start taking full responsibility of yourself, and realize how powerful you are by nature, especially what affects and the influence of your subconscious mind. You no longer allowing external sources affects you, rather, be the product of your internal guide.
That's why shadow-work is important once you realize the sacred power of subliminal; that it is a gateway of Divine message, insight, wisdom, and guidance if you make space for it. Shadow-work is light-work. To let go yet embrace the illusions of you and your "unfinished businesses", so you can comeback wholly and experience reality beyond duality (oneness). Yet also, meet the purest form of your inner child that is within you all along and always be, which is a life-changing.
When the ego dies, the soul arises. In order to unleash your natural state, you need to let go what no longer serving you that holds you back. Only then, you can activate your Divine power. By embrace yourself fully, you accept yourself fully; both heaven and hell in you, yet all in between the spectrum of you, this naturally transcend you beyond what you think you are. This is self-transcendence!
Ancient quote once said
"When the student is ready,
the teachers appears.
When the student is truly ready,
the teachers dissappears."
The question is:
" Are you ready to transcend yourself by do the inner-work needed? "